Sunday, September 27, 2009

Emerging Tech One: Teacher Tube

TeacherTube is very similar in nature to YouTube. The major aid that it has for the education field is that the school filter will likely let you access it unlike YouTube which most generally blocked.

Teacher Tube features a myriad of resources that range in views that can be used :
For virtual field trips and exploration
For the opportunity to hear words spoken by an author
For the chance to view a politicians speech to evaluate after many years
For professional development in a skill they need work in
And many , many more.

Teachers and presenters can easily access these video clips from multiple locations.
I have used in the classroom and for work with my teachers in my TechArt team.
It is important that these videos, like all others are not used for the sake of taking up time or for playing with and LCD projector, but rather to add engagement to a lesson or adding validity to an argument. As with all technology you will experience issues, it is important to check the TeacherTube site frequently for changed and lost footage.
I am attaching two Teacher Tubes that I am currently in the process of using. One is a 60 Minutes video I am loading to a HotChalk group I am running as part of the InSAI work being done in my building. We are using this video to have an online discussion about our own school reform and areas of concern and how they align with this school. It was removed from TeacherTube put is still on YouTube (It's two parts)
The second is a presentation that you likely have seen that shows the importance of using technology in your classroom effectively. It is being used a starting place for discussions about student engagement and where we are as digital implementers.

PAY ATTENTION: Used for technology group
Dr. Monroe

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